Beautiful Live Examples of Visual Composer WordPress Plugin

Beautiful Live Examples of Visual Composer WordPress Plugin

Visual Composer is one of the most important and versatile tool for any modern WordPress website or blog. The secret of popularity lies in the unlimited opportunities this plugin opens to every WordPress admin. Visual Composer makes it easy to create and edit any element of a WordPress website within the drag-n-drop editor. It does not require any special knowledge or skills in web development or design. So, the secret of success is in the accessibility of all features.

This reason has also brought Visual Composer the title of the plugin that is the most often included into WordPress premium themes` kits. Most of the WordPress themes` developers do not even imagine their product without Visual Composer as the basic tool for the unlimited access to all WordPress website building features. Moreover, there are lots of premium addons for Visual Composer which widen the opportunities even further.

Anyway, it is much better to see the results of what Visual Composer is capable of. With the examples of websites build by means of Visual Composer plugin you will have the opportunity to evaluate its beautiful features with your own judgment. That is why we present the most interesting examples of Visual Composer`s features realization on real websites – watch them and make your own choice of design and needed tools to create it.

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Top Premium WordPress Themes for Gaming and eSports

Top Premium WordPress Themes for Gaming and eSports

Gaming industry is one of the most fast growing and engaging within the modern internet audience. Games provide a lot of fun not only while playing but also while watching live streams from professional gamers or interesting video reviews from gaming journalists and bloggers. Since gaming industry has been born, it has evolved much. Now it is a not only an entertainment but also professional business, recognized cyber sport discipline, source for unlimited creativity and much more.

WordPress is always eager to follow the trends, so this platform can not miss the opportunity to become the place where billions of gaming websites are based and successfully evolve. If you are either the one from an army of game-lovers, or gaming bloggers, or professional gamers, or based on video games content creators, or just a member of any clan or community inside one of the popular games, then you should be interested in the features the WordPress platform can give to the gaming industry.

Today we focus our attention on premium WordPress themes devoted to gaming and everything around it. We have gathered the most interesting and useful WordPress themes created especially for the topic of gaming. There could be a lot of reasons to create a WordPress website on gaming topic: a blog, magazine, shop, community center, streaming hub and so on. That is why we have prepared a wide variety of options with the listed WordPress themes. Choose the one your audience needs!

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How to Add a Parallax Effect to Your WordPress Website

How to Add a Parallax Effect to Your WordPress Website

Parallax effect is a modern web design tool that aims to engage your audience and keep it on your WordPress website for a longer time. Basically, parallax effect is created by the difference of the scrolling speed between a background image and an overlay content. Background image scrolls much slower and this difference creates an illusion of depth for the whole user`s impression on your website`s design.

Parallax effect is widely used within most of the modern premium and free WordPress themes. It is especially popular for portfolio type of websites and some small business web representatives. These types of websites prefer to use the landing pages over and try to impress a user from the first sight and keep him or her engaged through the whole content of the page which could be very long-scrolling and contain lots of content blocks.

Today we will pay our attention to the process of creating parallax effect on any WordPress website. We will consider three of most effective ways to create parallax effect: with the help of WordPress themes, plugins and CSS coding opportunities.

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How to Use Cryptocurrency on Your WordPress Website with Premium Plugins

How to Use Cryptocurrency on Your WordPress Website with Premium Plugins

Cryptocurrency is a stable trend of the past few years. Now this trend comes into a new level. For example, cryptocurrency has been already recognized as the official currency in Japan. It means any cryptocurrency operations are protected by the law in this country. It is most likely that other countries will follow the good example of Japan in recent months.

In such a situation any WordPress website owner should be ready to ensure the seamless usage of cryptocurrency within his or her project. Fortunately, WordPress plugins` developers have already took care of creating the corresponding premium tools for the platform.

Today we will take a closer look at the existing premium WordPress plugins for the usage of cryptocurrency within the platform. These tools allow WordPress administrators to create charts, pricing tables, faucet lists and even interactive games based on various cryptocurrency types. If you are eager to to keep up with the times, you should be interested in the opportunities the participants of your today`s list offer.

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Leading WordPress Trends of 2018

Leading WordPress Trends of 2018

WordPress is one of the leading web development platform mostly because it always follows the important trends. And as the new year has come it is time to look forward for some new or old-and-faithful (but still relevant) trends of web development and design.

Tracking and following the trends is very important for every WordPress website owner who wants to develop his or her project. Fortunately, WordPress administrators can simply track the trends by viewing the main updates of WordPress platform. But today we will take a wider look at the picture of web development and its influence on modern WordPress themes and plugins. We will have a few examples of a premium tools corresponding the trends we are mentioning in this article.

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What Is Relevant for Creating a Perfect Subscribe Button

What Is Relevant for Creating a Perfect Subscribe Button

Newsletter is one of the main marketing tools of any successful WordPress website owner. Previously we have talked about the common pieces of advice for growing your subscribers list and using the best WordPress plugins for this purpose. But now we will focus on one of the most important constituent of this complex process — the subscribe button.

The subscribe button on your WordPress website can become the last obstacle for a user to subscribe for your newsletter, if it is ugly or wrong situated on the web page. To avoid such negative effect, you should follow some simple rules on design, copywriting and web development related to the subscribe button and its environment.

Today we have gathered the most essential tips on creating the perfect subscribe button for your WordPress website in this article. This tips concern to the button positioning, color, timing, audience targeting and other basic features to which you should pay attention while creating this important subscription tool of your WordPress website.

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How to Prevent Illegal Image Copying from Your WordPress Site

How to Prevent Illegal Image Copying from Your WordPress Site

Internet is an open space where there are not only polite and law-obedient persons. Image theft has become a very spread issue through internet in common and between WordPress websites particularly. Every day and every minute hundreds and thousands of photos and pictures become stolen and travel from one thief to another. But there are some ways to prevent the image theft for your WordPress website.

This article is very important for any copyright owners of visual content. If you create the original art works or simply draw images for your articles and do not want them to be used for free by another websites, then we suggest you to read the following 4 methods of preventing illegal copying of your images from the WordPress website or blog.

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Superfly Advanced Toolbar

Advanced Toolbar Addon Now Available for Superfly WordPress Plugin

Superfly is one of the most useful and easy-to-use WordPress plugin for creating beautiful and UX perfect vertical menus. If you still are not aware of this awesome plugin`s features, we suggest you to visit the Superfly`s page on our directory section.

And as we know, WordPress evolves every day. Superfly plugin is eager to be up to date and always on top of trends. That is why we present a new extension to this useful WordPress tool for your attention. The addon is called Advanced Toolbar and provides the updated opportunities to create your perfect vertical menus within any WordPress website or blog.

Advanced Toolbar has 3 new features which we will observe in details within this post. If you are interested in making your website a better tool for communicating with your audience and for selling any good or services, than you should be pleased with the new opportunities of Superfly plugin with Advanced Toolbar extension.

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Showing Your WordPress Site in Google Answer Boxes

Showing Your WordPress Site in Google Answer Boxes

Google answer box is an additional feature of the search engine that helps users to find a quick and short answer to a concrete question. This block appears on the top of all search results if Google evaluates users request as a question and if the search engine has found a good answer to it.

Google answer box shows not only the text, but also the corresponding picture and link to the source of content. Usually users further to search some other information if they simply found the concrete answer in this special top block. But the research shows that the answer block gets up to 50% of clicks from users who see it. That is why this place of Google search results is very valuable for any WordPress admin who wishes to develop his or her project and grow its audience.

Today we will focus on the methods to enhance your chance of appearing at Google answer boxes and getting new visitors for your WordPress website or blog. In this article you will find common advice about SEO and content tricks for making your web pages more relevant to users` question queries.

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Best WordPress Themes 2017

Best Premium WordPress Themes Released in 2017

There should not be the ending of the year without a good summary for the WordPress premium themes. Themes are always on the edge of trends and fashion within the web development sphere. So, by analyzing the leaders of 2017 we can make a lot of interesting conclusions about WordPress evolution and web design trends in common.

It would be also interesting to compare trends from the year 2016. For this purpose, you should check out our previous year article about the best WordPress themes. This type of analysis is essential for both WordPress newcomers and experienced web developers. Join us in this time travel trough the year 2017 and it best WordPress premium themes!

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