What Is Relevant for Creating a Perfect Subscribe Button
Newsletter is one of the main marketing tools of any successful WordPress website owner. Previously we have talked about the common pieces of advice for growing your subscribers list and using the best WordPress plugins for this purpose. But now we will focus on one of the most important constituent of this complex process — the subscribe button.
The subscribe button on your WordPress website can become the last obstacle for a user to subscribe for your newsletter, if it is ugly or wrong situated on the web page. To avoid such negative effect, you should follow some simple rules on design, copywriting and web development related to the subscribe button and its environment.
Today we have gathered the most essential tips on creating the perfect subscribe button for your WordPress website in this article. This tips concern to the button positioning, color, timing, audience targeting and other basic features to which you should pay attention while creating this important subscription tool of your WordPress website.
Testing and Analyzing
Any thoughtful marketing strategy should begin with testing and analyzing the results. It is important to measure the engagement of your existing subscribe button as well as to carry out A/B testing with some new variations. Split testing can show you the possibilities of the subscribe button you have not imagined yet.
Remember that the A/B testing works well if you have a lot of users engaged in it. As a simple poll, it provides more impersonal results with the big audience. So, it is better to take the split test when you have at least a thousand potential participants for it. Before that, it is good enough to track the engagement statistics through Google Analytics or similar tools.
Picking Colors
You may have heard that the color is one of the essential things in web design. The point is on provoking the suitable emotion from the user. If you know what color brings the needed emotion than you have the key to a user`s emotions. Let us look at the most popular colors and the effects they provide on users` emotions:
- Red is usually referred to active and energetic emotions. It is also very good to underline the urgency of any design element of your website. Do not use too much of it, because it provokes the irritation in large portions.
- Blue is regarded as the sign of trust and security. This color is very good for gaining credit from your potential subscribers.
- Green feels very wealthy and friendly. This color is usually perceived as the clearing light and the promise of some opportunities. It is also concerned to environmental-friendly WordPress websites and blogs.
- Yellow is the most optimistic and creative color. It inspires for being emotional and impulsive, which is great not only for art projects but also for online stores.
- Black is the recognized symbol of power and perfect style. Most fashion websites are using this color to underline their uniqueness.
- Orange provokes warm and passionate emotions. This color makes people dream about sunny islands and their golden beaches. It is very good for travel websites and similar projects.
- Purple is mostly used by some serious business representatives, because it refers to calm and serious state of bind.
- Pink is a very opposite to purple. This color regards to youthful and feminine emotions, which are usually used for women and teenager magazines or communities.
Writing the Message on the Button
Most of WordPress website owners use the common “subscribe” word on their newsletter button. If you want to stand out of the crowd, you surely need to write something special on your subscribe button to attract attention and motivate a user to click on it.
There are to solution of this issue. The first one is to imagine and write some interesting and unusual word/phrase for your button. For example, call it “magic button” or “revealing the unseen”. That will promise to reveal some secret for your users. But beware of getting too mystical, because it can have the opposite effect — your users will be frightened to catch some virus by clicking the unusual button. So, you need to prepare them beforehand.
The other (and more thoughtful way) is too write the motivational phrase based on what you really propose in the newsletter. For example, you can write “Send me the most interesting news” or “Get the discounts” on your subscribe button. But do not lie to your audience: if you write about a discount, then it should be provided in your newsletter.
Getting Closer to a User
The simple trick to get closer to your potential user is to write the message on the subscribe button from the first person. If the user sees “I want to subscribe” it is much better, then pushing him from behind using another person appeal like “We need you to subscribe”.
Button Positioning
There are lots of place where you can position the subscribe button. And this abundance of choice usually provokes the wrong decisions. Unfortunately, most of WordPress website owners prefer to impose their subscribe button in any possible way — from pop-ups to content lockers.
To stand out from this crowd and to get closer to the user`s wishes, you need to put subscribe button on the place where the user is mostly eager to get more information. The best example is the ending of an interesting and engaging article. If a user reads the whole peace of content it is much more likely that he or she will want to subscribe for more.
Creating an Urgency Promise
The secret of creating an urgency promise lays providing some limited offer to your users. For example, you can offer some discount for the first 100 users who will subscribe to your newsletter. Or you can give the certain time period in which all subscribers get bonuses.
This additional motivation will bring you twice more subscribers then any perfect subscription button alone. Moreover, we advise you to analyze the engagement of your audience with subscribe buttons during any special promotion. In such a way you will be able to figure out what promotion has a better response within your audience.
Trying Out the Minimalistic Design
The subscribe button is the element that just needs to be simplified. The more minimalistic it looks the better it works with the modern internet audience. Fortunately, a modern user is overwhelmed with different features and tools. That is why minimalistic elements receive the most response — people just want their eyes to relax.
Testing and analyzing will also help with this issue, especially if you do not believe in the power of minimalistic design by yourself. The objective data will help you to recognize the needs and wishes of your users.
Final Words
The subscription button is one more tool of your WordPress website that can be improved constantly. Testing and analyzing the results of all changes will bring you the whole understanding about the audience`s preferences. And our little pieces of advice will help you to correct the strategy of creating perfect subscribe buttons for your WordPress project in any topic.
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