Why Should You Use Live Customer Chat on Your WordPress Website
The importance of communication with your WordPress website`s users can not be overestimated. Quick and live feedback is crucial for any e-commerce project but also an important advantage for any other type of WordPress project — from a personal blog to a big company`s presentation website.
One of the most convenient ways to contact you for users is the live chat on your WordPress website. Live chat should offer the immediate connection with one of your managers or you personally (if you prefer to take control on any action done by user on your website). This feature also creates the effect of a full support for each of your users and customers because they always see the opportunity to contact you and get a quick answer. Even if you can not provide a 24/7 chat management, it can be helpful with automatic replies.
Fortunately, you do not need to develop your own live chat from scratch. Lots of free and premium WordPress plugins are at your disposal. In this article we want to underline the most important features of a common live customer chat plugin on the example of Facebook Customer Chat and show you the advantages of using this kind of tools within your WordPress project.
Live Chat`s Scope of Application
A common mistake of any beginner in the field of WordPress administration is to think that live chat serves just for talks with customers. Although it is the main sphere of chat`s application, it hides a lot of opportunities and ways to develop your online business. Let us take a look on live chat`s scope of application and discover its hidden traits.
Supporting Customers
Let us start with one of the most obvious matters: live chat allows you to stay in touch with your customers and do not lose them at any step of their purchase process. If you have any experience in sales, then you probably know that each step of purchase — from choosing goods to payment confirmation — is pretty fragile. It means that your potential customer can interrupt the process at any step by thousands of reasons. Live chat helps to keep a customer involved till the end.
With a bit of automation and a good knowledge of your common customer behavior you can control the weakest steps during a purchase. For example, you can discover that most users decline or abandon their purchase at the payment stage. In this moment you can catch them up by offering live chat manager`s help. This way you can at least find out the main reasons why people abandon their shopping cart. It can be lack of payment methods, security issues or any other reason. The most important thing is that you will definitely know about it.
Growing Sales
This point comes from the previous one: if you support your potential customers well, it surely will lead to sales growth. Live chat with your customers can significantly reduce the overall bounce rate through your WordPress project and especially the abandon shopping cart fails amount.
Sales growth is a result of all actions you take within your WordPress e-commerce project but live chat remains one of the crucial points in this to-do list. You will also surprisingly grow your sales due to the further sphere of live chat`s application.
Social Media Marketing and Branding
Live chat can be an efficient tool to build your branding strategy. Essentially, you must communicate with your target audience to set up a successful branding strategy because without a close talk you will never know your customers` wishes and demands. Live chat is one of the best tools to create such a channel of communication.
Moreover, your live chat be an additional social media marketing tool. Our example — Facebook Customer Chat — provides a seamless connection of a user`s Facebook account to the chat inside your WordPress website. This way you provide the familiar and convenient design for a user and involves him to start a talk.
Building Your Community
Communication builds a community — simple and straight-forward. If you want to build a community around your WordPress project, then you need to be the most active person who is always ready to talk. A live chat on your WordPress website immediately shows your visitors how open and ready to communicate you are.
Live chat also brings the important user support which is crucial not only for e-commerce projects but also community hubs. Providing your users with quick and sufficient supports means a lot for them. It encourages them to stay and build a community together with you.
Advantages of Live Chat for Your WordPress Website
We are now getting closer to the specific advantages of a live chat and it is important to take into account a certain example. As we have already mentioned. we will use Facebook Customer Chat as the example of an optimal solution for creating a live chat within your WordPress project. Now let us hop onto the advantages this tool provides.
Guaranteed Message Delivery
Facebook Customer Chat guarantees not only the technical fact of message delivery but also the personalized attitude for each user. Most users will be interested in reading private messages much more than reading an email or pop-up message. It means you get a straight road to user`s heart and it is all about your choice how to stay in his memory.
The technical issue is however also very important. Lots of emails are lost in spam bin, most of pop-up messages are closed before they got a chance to be read. Private messaging via live chat is very different. Do not loose such a unique opportunity to deliver personalized message to each customer you are struggling for.
Easiest Work Flow
Another important feature of Facebook Customer Chat is its ease for beginners in the sphere of WordPress administration. The plugin offers intuitive interface for creating and customizing live chats for your online project.
There is no need in acquiring additional knowledge and skills in web development or design to use this tool. Moreover, you even do not need to read any boring tutorial to start using Facebook Customer Chat right after purchase and installation. Everything is obvious and understandable for newbies in website building experience.
WordPress Widget Features
This feature comes along with the previous item and allows a WordPress admin to get a seamless creation and customization experience with Facebook Customer Chat. The tool offers you all the opportunities a default WordPress widget does.
WordPress widgets represent one of the most popular tools of the platform. The secret of popularity is in ease of use: you can create and customize widget that is placed in any part of your WordPress website, including multiple use. The easiest managing dashboard allows to edit and deactivate any widget with a few clicks.
Customization and Flexibility
Although Facebook Customer Chat provides a more or less stable design for your users to be familiar, it has lots of opportunities to edit different options. For example, you can customize the chat`s button position, text and elements` color, custom tooltips and other fine-tuning options.
Furthermore, you can adjust the chat`s behavior due to different triggers. For instance, you can choose different chat`s position for logged in and not logged in users. Your chat can be included or excluded for certain user device types and pages of your WordPress project.
All the described features are available for any WordPress project, including your own. To take advantage of all the listed item we advise you to use the verified premium WordPress tool — Facebook Customer Chat.
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