First Time Setup of Jupiter WordPress Theme
Jupiter is a powerful WordPress theme that has been making a splash on Themeforest since it’s release in 2013. Things have really improved since the release of Jupiter 5.1 in April, 2016. This theme is powerful, lightweight and easy to customize. It’s like having an entire team of developers at your fingertips.
All it takes is a single click to import a fully functional website. There currently over 70 templates (demo content) available free with purchase of Jupiter. With 50 of those templates specifically built for business, it’s a great choice for any type of business website.
Who is this tutorial for?
This post is a step-by-step walk through designed to help you install Jupiter. It’s suitable for beginners or even intermediate WordPress users. We will walk you each step to make things very clear. If you find that watching videos is easier for these kind of tutorials, just watch the videos at the top of each section, then skip down for walk through of the steps if you need to.
This tutorial should only take you around 10 minutes or so to complete, depending on your internet connection speed. We assume that you have already purchased and downloaded Jupiter from Themeforest. Below are some other things you will need for this tutorial.
- Jupiter .zip file and Jupiter Child .zip file
- Your WordPress login info
- An API key from Artbees — You can get this with your purchase code from the Envato Market (to register Jupiter)
- Your FTP or SFTP credentials (just in case). Get these from your web host provider.
5 Easy Steps to Setup Jupiter for WordPress
- Check server requirements
- Install the Jupiter Theme
- Registration
- Install Required Plugins
- Install a template (demo content)
Check Server Requirements
You should check the server requirements before you install Jupiter! You should do this before you install anything onto your server really. This can save you a bit of hassle, but even if you don’t it’s not a big deal.
Jupiter’s developers, Artbees have lots of great support videos, how-to’s and docs on their website. Anyone with half brain can easily navigate the site (that’s right all you reptiles 😀 ). I know because I only use somewhere around 10% of my brain, even less on Sundays. Or is it that I only use close to 80% of it 10% of the time? I forget.
Anyways, checkout the Server Requirements for Jupiter to learn everything you need to get started. To install a template, which we will be showing you how to do, you need to change some options in your php.ini file. If you can’t access it or aren’t sure if you have one, contact your server.
In my case I didn’t have a php.ini file on my shared hosting plan with GoDaddy. I just went ahead and uploaded one to my html directory via FTP and it worked out. I made a php.ini file in my text editor and pasted the following code:
upload_max_filesize = 32M post_max_size = 48M memory_limit = 128M max_execution_time = 600 max_input_vars = 10000 max_input_time= 400
Once again, if you aren’t sure what to do here, don’t sweat it. It’s not very technical and you can always ask Artbees or your server for help.
Now we can really get started. Installing Jupiter is easy. It only takes a series of clicks and a few minutes of your time to get everything all setup. Roll up your sleeves, pull up a chair and get comfortable. Don’t worry if you have to use the restroom, this shouldn’t take long. Use that desire as fuel to finish this task (seriously, if you have to go just go and come back, we’ll wait). Let’s get into it!
We are using the .zip file method to upload Jupiter. You can do this via FTP as well, but it’s much slower. From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Click the Add New button.
Click on the Upload Theme button.
Next hit the Choose File button.
Find your jupiter.zip file and choose it.
Click the Install Now button.
If everything worked properly you will be taken to the following page. This could take a couple minutes. It took around 30 seconds for me. Don’t activate the theme yet.
We are going to use a child theme. For more info on child themes, see our post on Creating a Child Theme in WordPress. Repeat the same steps you just performed above to install the jupiter-child.zip. If everything went according to plan your browser should take you to the screen below.
From your dashboard menu navigate back to Appearance > Themes and you will see Jupiter and the Jupiter Child Theme. Now click the Activate button under your Jupiter Child Theme.
Once the theme has been activated, you will be brought to the Jupiter Control Panel section of your dashboard.
That was easy wasn’t it? Congratulations, now you have installed Jupiter and you are ready to create a beautiful website.
Register Jupiter
Now you should register your product. All you need to do is enter the API key you got from Artbees.First you need to get your purchase code from the Envato marketplace. You can find this from the downloads section when you are signed in to Envato. If you don’t have an API key, visit How to Register Theme to learn exactly what you need to do.
Simply enter your API key and click the blue button that says Register and you are good to go.
Install Required Plugins
We are almost ready to install the demo content. But first you need to install two plugins. Much like the Death Star’s superlaser from the original Star Wars, you are not quite fully functional operational yet. But once you install these plugins, you should be ready to harness the ultimate power of the WordPress galaxy.Bundled in with your purchase of Jupiter are two required plugins, Visual Composer and Artbees Themes Captcha. Both are included free with Jupiter. These plugins are mandatory for the theme to work. Make sure and keep them updated for a bug free site. For more info on this, visit How to Update Jupiter Theme.
To install the required plugins from the Jupiter Control Panel, click on the link at the top of the page with the text Begin Installing Plugins.
Install the plugins.
Once you are done you will see the following screen.
Activate the plugins.
Notice the difference? This is the default template before activating required plugins.
This is what it looks like after activating required plugins.
Install a Template (Demo Content)
Now there is one last piece of the puzzle. Let’s install the demo content, known as templates. You will have a fully functional site with a single click. All you need to do is customize it with your own content and your site will be ready to launch. You can add a template to your site via FTP or with a .zip file. We are using a .zip file since it’s slightly easier.First download the template you want. For more info on downloading templates, visit Artbees article on How to Install Templates. It shows you how to download them as well.
Then navigate to the Templates tab in the Jupiter Control Panel. Notice in the screenshot below there is an error message. That wasn’t part of the plan but we can troubleshoot this problem very quickly.
Simply click on the link next to the memory limit for more information. I figured my php.ini file would take care of this, but the error is saying I need to increase the PHP memory limit. I can do this via SFTP very quickly. In my FTP client (FileZilla) I will connect to my server.
From the html directory, I will locate the wp-config.php file. Back up this file before you edit it. I can add a simple line of code to increase the memory limit:
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘96M’);
Upload the modified file to the html directory on your server and that should fix the error.
I still saw an error message, so I deactivated the Jupiter Child Theme and then reactivated it again. Now when I go into the Templates tab there are no error messages. Phew! On with the last step.
Simply drag the .zip file of the template you chose into the designated area. Once the template is installed, you will see the following messages.
To activate your template, click the activate button.
Now check it out! You will have a fully functional website. Just add your own content and customize it to make it your own.
Thank you for viewing this tutorial if you got this far. Even with a bit of troubleshooting the whole process took me around 10 to 15 minutes. Hopefully everything went smoothly and you are well on your way to total world domination. This theme is really powerful and so far I have used it to build one small business site. I plan on using it in the future, so expect some tutorials on things like setting up a landing page. If you have any request let us know in the comments below. We appreciate your feedback. If there is anything we left out or any areas that are too confusing, let us know. Feel free to ask any questions and I’d be glad to help. If you like the post, don’t hesitate to share it.
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