How to Choose a Blog`s Topic — 10 Most Popular WordPress Blog Types
The choice of a topic for your WordPress website or blog is the first and the most important step on your way to success. The main reason to pick a certain topic is, of course, your inspiration and will to create content on the corresponding subjects. But there are also lots of cases when you have more than one favorite topic or do not have a clue what to write about at all. Just for these cases we have prepared the list of the most popular WordPress blog topics for you.
In this article you will found the topics which are the most popular and readable nowadays. We will also share links to the posts describing the most interesting WordPress themes for the corresponding topics as we have already reviewed most of them. So you can not only observe the most popular topics but also look at the premium WordPress themes provided for this specific topic on Envato Market. These tips combined will help you to start an interesting and engaging blog in a matter of a few hours.
It is also worth mentioning that all of the most popular topics create highly competitive environment. You should pay attention to this aspect before starting your own project. The choice is either to use popular topic with a ready-to-join audience but to share it with the industry giants or to pick a unique or less popular topic to struggle for creating a new community around it. Both choices have their advantages and downsides, but a popular topic gives easier opportunities to begin for newbies in the sphere of WordPress administration and overall website development and management.
Topic #1: Fashion
Fashion blogs have become one of the most popular topic in recent years. This topic was considered as mainly feminine but it appears to be a unisex topic today. More and more men begin to care about their appearance and pay their attention to the latest fashion trends. That is why fashion blogs start to gain popularity from day to day.
Moreover, fashion blogs open lots of opportunities for monetization: paid fashion reviews, branded advertisement, online stores and much more. Successful fashion bloggers are often invited to interesting events like fashion shows, presentations and press conferences. These events make a fashion blogger`s work much more interesting and exciting.
Topic #2: Food
Food blogs offer a really wide variety of choices for creating interesting and engaging content. Food blogs can cover restaurant reviews, cookery, gastronomy and recipes, healthy eating (vegetarian and vegan recipes, for example), food and travel experience sharing and so on. More important that there is a suitable WordPress theme for each of these categories and all required tools within WordPress plugins for food blogs and websites.
Food topic also represent vast opportunities for blog`s monetization. There are advertisement options through local restaurants and cafes` reviews as well as online stores with common or unique products. You can also provide your users with consulting services for food recipes, diets or other food-related advice.
Topic #3: Travel
Travel topic gains popularity due to cheaper air transportation becoming available nowadays. More and more people can afford travels. This fact creates both the demand for detailed information about travel destinations, hotels, entertainment and specific nuances related to each country, and the opportunity for bloggers to cover this demand by sharing their own experience while traveling to different destinations and discovering exciting places of interest.
Travel blogs are usually colorful and interesting to read even for those who has no wish or ability to travel personally. Bright pictures and unique stories about travels attract interest of different types of audiences. Moreover, it is a huge entertainment for a blogger himself to create such content based on personal experience. Premium WordPress themes will help to create and manage the travel blog of your dream.
Topic #4: Music
Music remains one of the most popular topic in the modern media environment. Music bloggers have lots of opportunities to create thematic content: from critical reviews to industry news and events. More important is the fact that music unites people from all over the world despite of culture differences and language barriers. It means your music blog`s audience is potentially very huge.
Modern content related to music also brings lots of multimedia to your WordPress website or blog: video clips, audio tracks, radio podcasts and so on. With such a variety of content you ensure the better user engagement and higher chances to create viral content that advertises itself.
Topic #5: Lifestyle
Lifestyle is more broad topic which allow you to write on a variety of categories like fashion, culture, beauty, travel, food and much more. Lifestyle blogs are the most popular nowadays because they combine lots of topics inside them and provide more space for an author to create engaging content.
Successful lifestyle bloggers can have a great influence within their audience. That is why some lifestyle bloggers even become politicians or social journalists. If your goal is to become a famous and influential figure, then lifestyle blogging can serve as the first step in such a career.
Topic #6: Fitness
Fitness is one of the hottest topics of modern web. Lots of people try to keep healthy and fit despite of tons of junk food and passive lifestyle. And most of these people look for advice in the web. Here is where fitness blogs can help. Fitness blogs are usually about diets, workouts and sport lifestyle.
Fitness blogs often use video and other multimedia content to attract their audience. The examples of workouts or diet cooking recipes would gather more audience`s attention when shown in video clips. But even classic text-and-image content is very engaging in this topic. We have brought some examples of fitness WordPress themes for your consideration as well.
Topic #7: Sports
Blogs dedicated to sports are not similar to fitness topic. Sport observers are focused on reviewing sport events, teams, players and other subjects related to professional sport. This topic is very popular because of its high entertaining value. Sport websites can bring additional information compared with TV shows.
Sport blogs usually use online translations and live commenting to engage their audience even more. Live streaming is one of the most demanded service a user can wish from a modern WordPress website. And modern premium WordPress sport themes deliver all necessary tools to ensure the most important features of your website or blog.
Topic #8: DIY
DIY abbreviation means “Do It Yourself” manuals and guides. DIY blogs have become popular few years ago and do not lose their positions till now. The main goal of a DIY blog is to provide users with something both interesting and useful to create with their own hands.
DIY blogs have the opportunity to extend their content to a lifestyle or fashion blog depending on the wishes of a WordPress admin. Another very important feature of any DIY blog is its ability to unity people in an active community sharing their own DIY advice to each other.
Topic #9: Politics
Blogs dedicated to politics are very similar to classic news type of websites. The content of political blogs has high viral potential and offers a very broad audience to cover. Most people are interested in politics because it influences their life directly.
Another advantage of political topic is that you do not need to be an expert in the field. All you need is to catch up the hottest news and replicate them on your WordPress blog. You can also have a review column to engage your users in hot debates.
Topic #10: Gaming
Gaming community is recognized as the most fast growing among others. Gamers are always interested in latest industry news, computer hardware and software, game cheats and tutorials, live streams and trailers for new games. These are just the most popular categories of gaming industry you can cover with your WordPress blog.
Gaming blog also has high chances to create a strong community. It can be the place where gamers share their game tactics and strategies, opinions on new games and so on. WordPress offers different premium themes to create and manage your gaming blog without any specific knowledge in web development or design.
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