Tips to Quickly Index Your WordPress Site By Google
You have already started the project in WordPress platform and you are proud with the completed work? Of course, you have already passed the most difficult stage in the life of your internet project. Nevertheless, its life has just begun, and it means that a large layer of work is still ahead. Now you are looking forward to an exciting journey in the world of SEO, where the party is ruled by Google. Do not be afraid of the big difficulties, because WordPress and Google provide their customers with a friendly interface and comprehensive assistance in the form of various manuals.
But where to start your journey to success in a good position in the search results? How not to make a mistake at the first corner and make the Google indexing of your site fast and painless? This will be discussed in detail in this article.
Initial inspection
Huge practice of the owners of WordPress sites shows that the site indexing can occur within a few hours, or can last a few months. Therefore, before starting a set of tasks to accelerate the indexing of your site, you should check if it is not already in Google’s index. It is extremely simple to make. Just enter the following query into Google:
site: yoursiteURL.com
Instead of “yoursiteURL” you will have to enter the domain of your project in WordPress. If you see the results of issue in the following manner, then you have nothing to worry about – your site is already indexed:
If this method did not give the results and your site is not yet displayed by Google, you ought to consistently apply the steps below to speed up the indexation.
Fill Your Site with Content
Website without content will not be indexed in Google. The site is an information resource for a search engine. And it should be useful to the user. If you have not added any texts, articles, visual or video content to the site, the indexing process will be frozen as long as the site does not appear with some content.
Try not to keep the site empty. Write a blog post, add images to the gallery, place video content. All this can be tedious for one person, so you can have recourse to the freelance authors for fast filling of your site by content. You can even postpone an immediate opening of the site until the time you will stock a good amount of quality content that can immediately be provided to your site`s visitors.
Keep in mind that the content must be unique. The copied content will do more harm than benefit. Your website may be blacklisted and it will be extremely difficult to overcome such ban. Google rewards for creating a unique and exciting content and punishes for the use of others’ works for fraudulent purposes.
Create and Submit a Sitemap of Your Site
Sitemap is the best way for a new site to express itself on Google. With the help of sitemap you can help Google experts to evaluate the content and features of your site and to make a decision about its indexing.
Creating a sitemap sounds like a complicated matter. In reality, WordPress provides a large number of plugins to help you quickly create a sitemap. Most popular plugin for this purpose is the Yoast SEO, which includes many of the features that are useful for optimization of your website. If you have just started working with WordPress and still not confident in your skills, then you can use the a guide to create a sitemap via Yoast plugin. In this guide you will find a detailed step by step instructions to create a sitemap.
There are many other methods of creating a sitemap with different plugins. If you are interested in a full review of the methods of creating sitemap, we invite you to visit our article “Comparing WordPress Sitemap Generators“.
The next step is to send crafted sitemap for processing by Google. If you do not have an account with Google Analytics and Google Search Console (a.k.a. Google Webmasters), now is the best time to create them. After registration you will need to add your site to Google Search Console, find a menu titled “Crawl” and select the section “Sitemap”. Next, you will only have to download the prepared file with xls format, which had been created by Yoast plugin or its analogues for you.
Now you can only wait for the decision from Google. It may take different periods for different internet projects. But at this time you do not have to sit idly. You can increase your chances of indexing by increasing traffic of your site.
Increasing Traffic of Your Website
The amount of traffic (i.e. the number of visitors of your site) is important for indexing a project in Google. The more people visit your site, the more likely that Google recognizes it useful for the internet audience, and will index it rapidly.
There are many methods to attract traffic to a website. Unfortunately, most of them violate the policy of honest conduct of internet projects. Such methods are called “black SEO” and you should better keep away from them. We will talk about the legal and effective techniques that you can apply from the first day of your site`s life.
Social Bookmarks
Many believe this method is outdated and inefficient. But you can not write social bookmarks off completely. Start with simple and popular services, such as: Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon. Gradually you will be able to expand the range of uisng the social bookmarks to attract new visitors for tour internet project. Do not expect a large flow of traffic from social bookmarks, but ignoring them will deprive you of a certain percentage of visitors, which can not be considered as a reasonable strategy.
Blog Comments
No, we’re not talking about direct links from comments on blogs. This strategy has long been blocked by any anti-spam filter and can not be considered as an effective tool to attract traffic. What you can do is to share the really important information on the relevant resources. If you can help visitors of other resources with valuable tips, then they will find your blog on theit own pat.
This can be called as a work with the reputation. And it really brings good results, not only for your website, but also to maintain your personal popularity.
Social Media
Social networks and groups are the ideal place for mentioning and advertising your project. Take the time to add a reference to your project in all social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on. Sooner or later it will bear fruit, especially if you are actively using social networks to communicate (not necessarily touting your project directly).
Guest posting
If you are an expert in any field of activity, or you just have something interesting in your personal experience than you could share it with the online audience. The guest posts will be a great strategy for you to promote your own internet project.
You will have to spend a lot of time to chat with the owners of other sites and blogs. In addition to this, the writing of quality guest posts takes a lot of time and effort too. Alternatively, you can again use the services of freelance authors.
But the most important thing is that guest posts bring a really high-quality traffic to your site. This is priceless, despite all the effort.
Final words
As you can see, the indexing process by Google is not something over-complicated or long. However, even this step can not be considered as the final work on any internet project. The secret is that the optimization and improvement of the website should never stop. If you really want to develop your intrenet project and make it one of the best, then this work should bring you joy. Otherwise, sooner or later you will get tired of investing time and effort in the ever changing environment of the internet.
We wish you patience and true passion for creating the best sites on WordPress!
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