Google Web Designer — Perfect Tool for Ads` Creation
The process of creating suitable design for online advertisement can be very difficult for the beginners in the field of website administration. WordPress websites also need good advertisement banners either to promote themselves or to provide additional service for paid advertisement for their clients. For a long time, there were only some difficult tools to create web design elements like Photoshop. But now the situation has changed for the sake of all website owners who does not possess special web design skills.
Google Web Designer is a brand new application that gives you all needed tools to create advertisement design of any difficulty without special knowledge. Google Web Designer is the new way to incarnate all your design ideas to practical use. We will observe this wonderful tool in this article to show you the main features and opportunities it gives to any website owner, including WordPress administrators.
Main Features of Google Web Designer
Google Web Designer uses HTML5 technology as the basis for easy and comfortable tool to create ads. HTML5 gives opportunities to work not only with pictures but also animations and events. Moreover, Google Web Designer is perfectly integrated with other useful Google tools like Google Drive, DoubleClick Studio, and AdWords. Let us discover more about the features this HTML5-based application can provide to any creative user.
Interactive Advertisement Opportunities
One of the most exciting and beautiful opportunities of Google Web Designer is the option to work with interactive elements and events. First of all, you can use preprogrammed elements like Google Maps, iFrame blocks, tap areas, image galleries, YouTube video and much more. The use and fine-tuning of these elements does not require coding skills because all predefined pieces of design are already optimized for use inside your ads.
Further features are provided by Events section. Events are the reactions of your ads to user actions or gestures. With these features you can build up a real interaction between your ad and each user on the basis of predefined events. Even more opportunities are available for mobile devices within shaking, rotating and other special user actions.
The feature called Pages gives a website administrator an option to segment your designs and hold experiments on different advertisement banners. Pages appear to be a utility tool to provide more convenience and freedom for creating new designs and see how successful they perform within various contexts.
Responsive Advertisement
Google Web Designer allow you to create a really versatile advertisement banners with the ultimate responsive feature. You can activate responsive feature and create one advertisement for different screens and sizes without additional optimization actions. This feature facilitates the easy and fast workflow on your ads.
Dynamic workflow feature allows you to connect additional data signals and feed within one advertisement. You can also use your DoubleClick dynamic profile to pull data from its sources. The feature actually provides you unlimited data connections within one banner, which is very convenient for the process of further analytics.
Animation Tools
Google Web Designer provides 2 different modes to create animations for your ads. First one is the Quick mode which provides oversimplified interface for the creation of simple scenes inside your advertisement. Second option is the Advanced mode in the shape of timeline. Moreover, you can toggle between modes even while animating any of your ads.
Google Web Designer also gives you ample opportunities to create 3D content within the modern CSS3 technology. You can rotate all 2D objects and visualize them with 3D technology within a simple and convenient interface. Unlike other 3D animation tools, Google Web Designer does not require special knowledge and skills.
Intuitive Workflow
The simplicity and convenience of Google Web Designer`s workflow are based on intuitive tools like Shape, Pen, Gradient Editing and other understandable instruments. There is also a unique Tag Tool which provides advanced possibilities for more experienced users of Google Web Designer.
The seamless integration with other Google services is very important. For example, you can simply export your advertisement banners to Google AdWords or AdMob to use them directly on purpose. Additional fine-tuning is also available within the seamless integration with Google Drive and DoubleClick Studio.
Previews and Templates
Google Web Designer gives you the important opportunity to preview all of your creations within Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. The preview feature is essential to fix mistakes or to see any limitations of your ads before actually publishing them. Do not ignore this opportunity for the sake of your ads` quality.
Google Web Designer also provides you with different templates for your advertisement banners. You can either use their design completely and change only the text and pictures, or create your unique ads with animations, events, 3D art and other needed features on the basis of given templates.
Who Needs Google Web Designer?
Despite of all features described above, Google Web Designer has more narrow pool of possibilities in comparison with professional tools. With this fact in mind, we can advise the usage of Google Web Designer for beginners in the field of website development and for those who want to start their advertising campaign with AdWords as soon as possible.
Google Web Designer also has seamless integration with other Google service, which makes it even more specific for webmasters who prefer using Google AdWords to other advertising opportunities. But if you already can work with more sophisticated tools for web designers, then Google Web Designer is probably not worth switching for.
Explore Google Web Designer
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