7 Useful Features to Improve Your WordPress Website
WordPress is full of opportunities for every type of web project. These are not only thousands of WordPress themes for any possible topic but mainly WordPress plugins that could extend the functionality of your website significantly in a matter of a few minutes.
Let us take a look at WordPress features that could be easily brought by plugins. In this article we have gathered the features and relative plugins which you probably did not know before. Some of them are created for special needs but most are useful for nearly any WordPress websites owner.
The participants of our today`s list are premium plugins with extended features compared to their free analogues. These plugins include the quality control and professional customer support for their users. these features could be essential for the beginners in the field of WordPress website administration.
Live Chat
One of the most important part of getting in touch with your website users and potential customers is a live chat. Old-fashioned contact forms do not provide the required speed of an answer to the user`s requests. Only the live chat can deliver appropriate service for the modern user.
There are few options for creating a live chat within the WordPress plugins. The most convenient and effective option is the usage of modern social network powers to attract more customers into the live chat. Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and other social networks provide their live chat interface for the comfort of your users.
A beautiful example of the plugin for live chat creation is Facebook Customer Chat. This customizable live chat for WordPress websites provide easy installation, fine-tuning and managing for the best feedback form. Facebook Customer Chat does not require any web development or design skills.
The customization options of Facebook Customer Chat provide you with the opportunity to select button position, tooltips, text and background colors. You can also set up these options due to user roles or the device they use. Such flexibility allows you to get closer to each of your users.
WordPress Dashboard Theme
WordPress dashboard is the place where most admins spend hours every day. There is no surprise that lots of WordPress website owners would like to change the design of their dashboard and to adjust it for their personal needs. WordPress tries to be multipurpose that is why each of us would make his or her own improvements to the common admin panel used by hundreds of thousands. Fortunately, there is an easy and effective way to achieve this goal – WordPress dashboard themes.
One of the premium products in this category is Forest Revolution WordPress Admin Theme. This WordPress dashboard theme comes with 2 different predefined styles and unlimited opportunities for individual customization. The customization is available both for colors of each dashboard`s element and for moving, replacing and creating icons, menus and quick panels. With this tool it is quiet easy to adjust WordPress dashboard to your unique needs and goals whatever they require.
WordPress Preloader
It is well-known that website`s speed is a key parameter not only for search engines but also for the rating of real users. There a lot of ways to optimize your WordPress website`s speed but your website can not always load immediately. That is why special preloaders are actual. The animated preloaders make the users` waiting less stressful and more interesting.
You can create preloaders by yourself, if you have enough HTML and CSS skills. But it is always easier to use ready premium products.
Price Estimator
There are some products and services which do not have a straight price. It means that some (or lots of) nuances are directly effecting the price for a certain customer. In this case you have two options: force your users to write directly to a manager to find out the price or use price estimators. And the second option is far better because it would not scare off most of your potential customers. Fortunately, there is a WordPress a group of tools for this purpose too.
One of the prominent representative of this group is WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder. This tool offers the cost estimations with customizable functionality. The customization options provide the opportunity to use this price estimator for nearly any type of online business. The tool is perfectly integrated with WooCommerce which make your online sales easier then ever.
Parallax Effects
The visual appeal of your WordPress website is obviously one of the most important things to think about. Parallax effects make your website significantly more attractive and eye-catching compared with the static backgrounds. Previously you should choose a WordPress theme that includes the option of parallax background support. But now there is now need to change your theme in order to add a parallax effect – modern premium plugins will do this for your WordPress website.
One of these plugins is The Parallaxer WP – Parallax Effects on Content. The plugin helps to add parallax effects to every element of your WordPress website`s design. Moreover, the result will be mobile optimized and SEO-friendly. The Parallaxer WP supports Visual Composer integration and shortcodes generation for more comfort during the usage of plugin.
Hover Animations
Continuing the improvements of your WordPress website`s design it is important to pay attention to your images and galleries. Hover effects can significantly improve the performance of your images due to additional interactive effects. This effects make images more engaging for users and decorate your website with style.
There is a great option to purchase Hover Effects Pack and stock up with all needed animations at once. The pack includes 10 different hover effects, 10 text animation effects, 5 text delay options and numerous customization opportunities within the built-in editor.
Social Media Streaming
Social media are ruling modern trends, as you may know. And there is a perfect way to bring social media to your WordPress website without a lot of effort. This method is called social media streaming and means creating a special page or widget to show the feed with any type of content you want (including any public content created by any community or person). These social walls can decorate your WordPress website and diversify its content in automatic mode.
There are lots of social streaming plugins. But one of the most versatile and effective option is Flow-Flow WordPress Social Stream Plugin. This tool offers the most awesome customization opportunities in combination with clear and simple interface available even for the beginners in the field of WordPress administration. You get the access to stream 14 most popular social networks, WordPress feed and RSS. There are 40+ different feed types available and unlimited design customization opportunities.
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