Top 10 Health and Medical WordPress Themes 2017
Medical sites are becoming increasingly popular with the growth of integration between medical and IT areas of activity. Most large clinics already have their own representations on the internet, and private medical offices do not want to lag behind in this.
Private medical practitioners often can not afford to create their own site from scratch. This is too expensive and takes a considerable amount of time. When you need a simple, quick and inexpensive solution, WordPress platform for online projects comes to the aid of doctors.
Sites of medical clinics and private medical offices have their own peculiarities in design and functionality. For example, an important part of each medical site is the ability to make an appointment with a doctor online. This saves customers from having to wait their turn at the hospital and significantly increases their loyalty to your service.
In this review we have collected the best variants of WordPress themes for sites of medical subjects. Here you will find themes that were highly appreciated by the user community of ThemeForest and became popular among their potential audience. Your choice can be based on many individual nuances, so we provide enough WordPress themes from various developers.
MedicalPro — Health and Medical WordPress Theme
MedicalPro is an advanced WordPress theme, based on Twitter Bootstrap technology. MedicalPro includes 4 different versions of ready-made homepages and 12 variants of templates for other pages of your website. Such a set should satisfy all the basic needs of your medical site and help to quickly launch a new project from scratch without knowledge in the field of web development and design. Ready templates will require only minimal changes in order to start working for your site.
MedicalPro also includes a set of necessary plugins for the initial setup of the site and increase of its performance in the future. This set includes such plugins as Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, TimeTable, Booked. Visual Composer and Revolution Slider enable you to create various design elements to attract users’ attention, as well as the possibilities for their further editing. TimeTable and Booked ensure the stable operation of the most important element of the medical site — online appointments.
MedicalPro also includes a set of PSD files for deeper design customization possibilities. PSD files allow you to use individual images and whole design blocks for those purposes that are priority for your project.
Get MedicalPro View DemoMedicare — Medical & Health Theme
Design and functionality of Medicare WordPress theme will be an excellent solution for online representation both a private medical office and a large clinic. This theme has a good set of demo pages for various purposes — from the main page of the site to the booking page.
Medicare offers the owners of medical sites two options of booking forms for customers. This way you can choose a more suitable option for the needs of your target audience. In addition, Medicare includes a set of tools for customizing the design of all elements of the site using WordPress Customizer and Bold Builder plugins.
Get Medicare View DemoMedical WordPress Theme — Health & Beauty
Medical WordPress Theme stands out among the competitors with the opportunity to use a lot of ready-made widgets and post types for the different purposes of your internet project. You can easily and quickly create sections on the services of your clinic, its employees and entire departments, as well as testimonials of satisfied customers. All this is easily implemented due to built-in post types, which already contain all the necessary settings for the design and interface for the convenience of your potential customers.
Medical WordPress Theme also includes a ready-made functionality for appointment booking of your customers. In this way, you will be able to provide convenient online appointment service for reception. Your patients are waiting for such site functionality in the first place.
Get Medical View DemoMedicalPress — Health and Medical WordPress Theme
MedicalPress is also based on Twitter Bootstrap technology. But unlike MedicalPro, this theme offers more customization options for the main element of the site — booking forms. Here you will find 4 different options for functionality of online booking on your site.
MedicalPress does not forget about the advertising elements of the medical site. Theme`s kit includes a Revolution Slider plugin to implement the most attractive home page of a site that will differentiate your site from competitors. Included child theme opens even more opportunities for design customization.
MedicalPress is ready to provide prepared widgets and post types of all kinds of medical site necessary for a medical site. You can easily create pages with a unique design for your team of doctors, a list of services and feedback from patients.
Get MedicalPress View DemoHealthFlex — Medical Health WordPress Theme
HealthFlex is a universal WordPress theme for medical projects. 3 ready demo will allow you to quickly launch a workable site, and a set of widgets will allow you to customize the features of the site for the individual needs of your target audience.
HealthFlex includes Visual Composer plugin for simple editing of design with the help of drag-n-drop editor. This theme is also WPML ready and WooCommerce responsive. The ability to translate into different languages of the world and integrate with the features of the online store open almost unlimited opportunities to increase the amount of customers and loyal users for you.
Get HealthFlex View DemoOneLife Medical — Medical, Health WordPressTheme
OneLife Medical is a specialized WordPress theme for plastic surgeons. OneLife Medical will create an attractive and effective online representation for a private plastic surgery room or a whole clinic in this field of medical care.
The visual component of the site for a plastic surgeon is extremely important. OneLife Medical focuses on the colorful design of images and interactive pictures with changes in the appearance of customers before and after the surgery. An additional attraction is provided by sliders based on the Revolution Slider plugin.
Get OneLife Medical View DemoPhysio — Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme
Physio WordPress theme focuses primarily on the representation of medical projects in the field of physical rehabilitation and massage practices. However, the general functional of the theme can be applied to adjacent areas of health care.
Appointment Booking Calendar plugin as part of the Physio WordPress theme kit helps you easily implement one of the most important elements of a medical site — an online appointment. Online booking will allow you to correctly plan the time for you and your customers.
Get Physio View DemoMedic — Medical, Health and Hospital WP Theme
Medic is a relatively cheap alternative to most WordPress themes from our list. The functionality of this theme is quite friendly for beginners in the area of WordPress administration, which will avoid many problems at the initial stage of development of your online representation.
Medic includes the ability to create various post types and widgets. In addition, the capabilities of Visual Composer allow you to easily manage various design blocks and modify them in accordance with the needs of users of your site.
Get Medic View DemoMedical & Dentist — Medical WordPress
Medical Health is a WordPress theme with very high marks from users and a lot of sales on the Envato market. These indicators indicate the universality and high effectiveness of this theme. The popularity of the theme is justified by a wide range of ready-made demos and convenient features for customizing the design with a simple visual editor.
Appointment booking form and timetable scheduling are important elements of the Medical Health WordPress theme. They are also easily modified using the drag-n-drop editor. Demo content for opening hours, departments, testimonials and other important pages of your site is included.
Get Medical Health View DemoSoulMedic Health — Medical & Health Care Theme
SoulMedic Health has a very rich selection of ready-made demos for various pages of your medical website — more than 25 ready-made templates at your disposal. Preparing to launch your online representation will not take long if you use ready-made page templates with minimal changes to the name of your medical practice.
SoulMedic Health also includes all the necessary tools for implementing the important services for online customer service and improving the visual component of the site. Revolution Slider and Layer Slider will revitalize the design of your online office, and Events Calendar Pro will allow users to sign up for an appointment with you online.
Get SoulMedic Health View Demo
Hi..Amazing list..
I liked the themes you shared. Thank you for helping us.
I have just found one more that is imDoct and i have used it for my client’s website.
It has very amazing features.
I hope you found it useful.
Nice Collection!