Best Premium WordPress Plugins of September 2015
September was an interesting month for the internet. Champions of fair use got a huge win against patent trolls in the US Federal court via the rejection of Universal Music Publishing Group’s attempt to abuse copyright law in the case of UMPG vs Lenz. We saw another security and maintenance release in the form of WordPress 4.3.1. There were also many intriguing heartfelt stories published in relation to the European refugee crises posted on everybody’s favorite blogging platform (WordPress of course).
With all these big changes going on the world you may not have noticed the fresh new batch of WordPress plugins ready for the picking. This month we have a hodgepodge of different plugins for you to check out. We’ve collected 10 of the newest and best selling plugins on CodeCanyon that came out in the past month to review. There’s a little of everything in this list including plugins for eCommerce, gaming, web apps and more. Check out the latest up and coming plugins below.
Cost Calculator — WordPress Plugin
For this plugin you will need to have Visual Composer plugin or else the short codes will be edited manually. This plugin is a very straightforward tool that will create quotes, project prices and estimations. For small business owners it’s very useful to have price estimation forms on your site to give your customers an estimate for your goods or services. Forms for quotes and price estimations allow your clients to get an accurate quote.
There’s nothing fancy about this plugin, it’s clean and easy to use. It’s one of the simplest price estimation calculators for WordPress and is built to be used with Rapid Composer or Visual Composer. It comes stocked with 4 demos. It would’ve been nice to see PayPal integration with Cost Calculator, but perhaps the developers can add that in the future.
Learn more & DownloadSuper Backup & Clone — Migrate for WordPress
It’s crucial to have a reliable backup solution for your website. Super Backup & Clone is another backup/migration plugin that makes backing up your site simple. It’s a lot more intuitive and easier to use than other backup plugins. You can schedule backups, restore your site and have many instances of a single backup if you need to.
Many backup plugins can work just fine, but this one stands out because it has a very nice user interface. The quick migration panel makes moving a site to another server easy enough for just about anyone to execute.
The Migrate panel allows you to easily migrate a different backup onto your current working server. This allows you to import a pre-existing backup, either from your own hard drive, or an external URL. All backups are stored on your site’s server, or a cloud server. Cloud servers supported are Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace, Dropbox and (S)FTP.
Learn more & DownloadButtons X — Powerful Button Builder for WordPress
If you are tired of the same old boring buttons and want something different, Buttons X is a good solution. I’m not sure how much I would use this plugin, since I like to keep my sites simple, but there are some features that are undeniably awesome in this plugin.This button builder comes with free packs and extensions to create killer buttons.
There are a lot of options to play with. Buttons X integrates with Visual Composer and adding buttons couldn’t be easier. Developers will like this plugin because it’s riddled with options. Build any sort of button you desire from the WordPress Dashboard. Change any aspect of your button. Add animations or choose from a wide selection of menus to easily create a unique button. Use Google Analytics Button Tracking to understand which of your buttons is performing the best.
Learn more & DownloadStackTabs for WordPress
StackTabs is a great tool for visual communication that displays images and text. Build slick looking combos of text and icons to get your ideas across in an attractive way. This app layers tabs so that users can click through them. This plugin is responsive and really beats custom CSS coding to get the same effect. This goes along well to enhance any flat style website and displays great on mobiles or desktops. Build cool looking stacks of tabs without having to do any HTML CSS. Even for seasoned web developers this tool can be a handy addition to their arsenal.
Learn more & DownloadWrapping Up
There are plenty of plugins for you to take a look in this list from eCommerce and filesharing to gaming and web app development. As autumn rolls on and we move further toward 2016 we continue to see WordPress developers come out with plugins that incorporate material design. My favorite pick out of the bunch has to be Iconic Material Design just because it can do so much. It’s a very powerful tool for creation and will really speed up the time it takes to realize your inspiration. If there’s anything we missed that came out in the month of September that should be on this list be sure to let us know. For now keep on developing and try out some of these bestsellers for yourself.
Thanks for reviewing!