WP Kraken, Your Go-To Experts
My name is Kuba, and I’m the CEO of MPC, the company behind the WP Kraken. Peter was so kind to let me tell you the story of our growing service on his lovely blog. Big thanks to the Looks Awesome team!
The Genesis
As MPC we have been known for our WordPress Themes and Plugins sold on Envato Marketplaces. We have been developing WordPress stuff for years. Our main company name is Massive Pixel Creation (MPC), and that’s the name we go by on ThemeForest / CodeCanyon. We have the title of Power Elite Author which means we sold a lot of licenses.
As any successful stock author we have many customers, and by many I mean over 41,000. A big part of our clients asked us for custom work on their projects. When you are in stock business in most cases, you do not have time to handle every custom request (because you are probably working on an awesome new product). We tried to process as much as we could, but that wasn’t enough. We found out there is no suitable service around the web to refer our customers too. Most of the services offer random freelancer who does not deliver quality work. Others are highly priced and cannot be afforded by most.
The path was clear we had to create unmatched service for our customers and also the clients of any company that wants to refer us. We talked with many ThemeForest / CodeCanyon top authors and found out that they face the same problem, so we got them on board as our affiliates.
The Idea
I personally always wanted to provide hustle free services to the clients who are not tech-savvy. I believe that our customers do not have to know anything about web development. Our job is to take that burden away from them. They just need to know what they want to achieve and we should make that happened. I think services like this should be for everyone. There are tons of small businesses without any knowledge about the web, and they are scared to enter that field of business. As an outcome, they are losing a lot of clients and therefore money.
With this vision in mind, we had to outline the main principles of the service. We had to figure out what would be different about WP Kraken apart from any other custom coding service around the web. So we have envisioned the service that we would like to us ourselves.
- The site had to look awesome and clean.
- The user experience has to be easy and intuitive.
- The website had to be blazing fast.
- The services provided has to be premium quality and fast. Waiting for days for a replay or a quote is not an option.
- The client deserves a fair pricing and explanation of what the price includes.
We have created the service with this guideline in mind. Then, after few months of analyzing the data and gathering responses from our clients, we think we nailed it. For example, the load times on our site are below 1 seconds (That’s faster than google.com).
The Service
WP Kraken was build in few months, by our in-house team. We have tried many different approaches and tested numerous designs. Our team always had in mind the goals that we have outlined for ourselves at the beginning.
We tried to simplify as many parts of the process as we could. For example, it has always been annoying for us that you have to register first to use any service around the web. So our customers only have to fill the request form. The system will create the account for them once they send the request. We wanted the process to be as painless and easy as possible in every aspect.
To best serve our customers we have created the urgency status, so we can first solve the urgent issues. We didn’t want to add any additional fees for the priority of work. Our primary concern was that many users would select that the job is urgent even if it’s not. After few weeks, we saw that’s not the case, and the system works (that’s awesome!).
Any product that you want to be perfect takes a lot of time. We spent over six months on that project from the first draft, brainstorming, design and finally development. On December 15th, 2016 we launched the open beta of WP Kraken.
We got a tremendous and positive response from both clients and affiliates. We thank you all for that. Our journey is just beginning, but we have already a lot in our pipeline regarding improving the existing service and bringing new services to you guys.
This is the story of WP Kraken in a nutshell. There is a lot more to tell, but I do not want to bore you too much. Please check out the services, and meet our skilled experts. Thanks!
Visit WPKraken
I quote your text “The services provided has to be premium quality and fast. Waiting for days for a replay or a quote is not an option.”
Unfortunately this IS the case with WP kraken! After the payment is done, they will start within a quite short period of time but if the job or changes are not working well or something is missing, you will come somewhere below on the list and it will take monthS (no joke) before you will get an update or even a response. They will give a job expert to you but suddenly he is not replying at all anymore and after a few emails someone else is acting on behalve of this job expert. So giving you a job expert is not working at all! Waiting for days for a reply is not an option they say but as you can read it indeed is not, it is waiting for months! They don’t finish your job and leave you with something which is not working!