How Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Your WordPress Website
Artificial Intelligence (or simply AI) develops constantly to cover all tasks that could potentially be automated. By automating lots of everyday tasks we get more opportunities to stay creative and invest more time into gathering, analyzing and applying new ideas to our WordPress projects. In other words, Artificial Intelligence lets us focus on strategical tasks, while it deals with tactical ones. With such a tool you can drive lots of projects with better effectiveness.
Unfortunately, modern Artificial Intelligence is far from a perfect one. It means we can not yet delegate it a lot of tasks we would like to. On the other side, it is always good know what innovations are available and use them in a proper way. With this aim we have gathered the most stable and useful tools which provide service based on Artificial Intelligence. This list is still shorter than most of us would like to have, but there are some interesting features each WordPress administrator could use within his or her project.
The Key Feature of Artificial Intelligence
First of all, we should determine the sense of Artificial Intelligence. Not all automated tools uses AI and to all AI is supposed to perform only automatic actions. The keay feature of Artificial Intelligence is its ability to learn. The term “machine learning” is usually used in this context to underline the meaning and its essence.
Artificial Intelligence aims to gather and analyze information constantly. As the result of this process, AI makes decisions about its own development in the direction which is considered as optimal in a specific context. Machine learning is still a vary unstable process itself and needs lots of time and effort to be polished.
Features That AI Can Improve on Your WordPress Website
Let us now proceed to the existing features that can be improved by modern Artificial Intelligence. There are no lots of them, but these are the most useful and important for every WordPress website or blog, no matter what topic it covers or what ideas it represents.
Grammar and Spelling

Proper grammar and spelling could be easily underestimated in the modern world of Internet where everyone seems to write whatever he wants. There is however a great difference between internet users and website owners in a matter of responsibility and trustworthiness. A website that has lots of spelling errors would not be trusted even by users who can not write their own names without an error. We always require more from other than from us own, aren`t we?
Naturally, it is very difficult to keep your grammar and spelling perfect. We all mistakes and we can not know all the rules of grammar in the world. For this case Artificial Intelligence can be very handy. AI can remember much more than a human and can help you to check and correct all grammar and spelling issues in a matter of seconds. There are lots of corresponding tools, and one of the most popular of them is Jetpack. This tool has much more features than a grammar and spelling check, but for this specific purpose it uses real Artificial Intelligence and runs the check process nearly perfect.
You can dive even deeper with more sophisticated style checking tools like After the Deadline. This tool has intelligent grammar check and advanced style check to bring your text content to an optimal condition. Moreover, the tool is free for personal usage and is based on the open source technology.
SEO Improvement via Content

Content is one of the key factors of search engine optimization. This is a well-known fact, however, not many WordPress administrators do something to improve their content in terms of search engine demands. Moreover, not every WordPress administrator even knows what to do to optimize his or her content for better SEO results. Artificial Intelligence will be very helpful in this cases, and even for those website owners who knows the deal but do not have enough time to make search engine optimized content.
One of the most popular and prominent examples of automated SEO-check is provided by Yoast SEO tool. This plugin is created specially for the analytics and help towards the optimization of text content in thw way search engines would like to see it. Yoast SEO is a simple yet complete tool to analyze each of your WordPress post directly in the process of its creation. Use the tips given by Yoast SEO and boost your website performance significantly — this strategy is proven by WordPress experts.
Automated Customer Services

A quick response to customer`s request has never been so important as now. People who shop online always rely on operative answers to their questions and usually do not hesitate to ask even simple questions via the live feedback on your website. It is completely unacceptable not to have such a feedback opportunity for a modern eCommerce project. Artificial Intelligence comes to the rescue in this difficult case too. Automated customer chats answer the modern demands of customers.
One of the most exciting examples of such tools is Facebook Customer Chat. It is a perfect tool for improving your social media marketing strategy along with your branding strategy and community building opportunities. This plugin allows you to quickly react to user questions, offers, requests and other messages. Such additional engagement on the pages of your WordPress website will lead to a significant growth of conversion rates and decreasing of bounce rates.
Facebook Customer Chat obtains some unique features which make it a perfect tool for involving your users into chatting and improving their level of trust to your service. Facebook Customer Chat is your guarantee for delivering the message to a user. It is 10 times more effective then the most popular way of conversation with potential and real customers — an email newsletter. Your brand awareness will grow along with the amount of customers you have chatted live.
Related Content Personalized

Related content is usually shown to users who have already read some of your posts or articles within your WordPress project. To make these recommendations really uesful, you need to use the opportunities of the Artificial Intelligence. Only in this case can you be sure, that related content will be truly interesting to your users and will engage them in the further reading process.
One of the tools that bring these opportunities to your WordPress website is Biblio. This plugin uses Artificial Intelligence to suggest related post to your users based on their behavior on your website or blog. Machine learning features are very useful in this case.
This feature can also work in the opposite direction: AI can suggest topics for your blog posts based on already written ones. The example of such a tool is MyCurator. It helps you to stay inspired all over the way of creating WordPress blog content.
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