ModuloBox — NextGen Lightbox Plugin for WordPress
ModuloBox aims to create modern, user-friendly and mobile responsive galleries for a variety of content — from images to video and HTML5 objects. The process of creating responsive slideshow in a popup is becoming much easier for you, and your users will definitely enjoy the result.
The main feature of ModuloBox plugin is the ability to place objects of various types in one gallery. Thus, you are no longer limited to just images or only videos within a single WordPress gallery. Now you can add HTML, HTML5, iframe and other types of objects into one gallery with pictures and video.
ModuloBox is multi-gestures compatible. This means that users of mobile devices that view your site can enjoy all the familiar features of gesture control: swipe, drag, pinch, zoom and others. The ModuloBox also fully supports control via the keyboard and mouse wheel. The plugin interface also allows you to create galleries that will be equally convenient for Android and iOS users.
The admin panel of ModuloBox is designed so that you can customize your galleries and their content without any knowledge in the field of web development or design. ModuloBox has a ready justified gallery to replace the default styles of a WordPress platform. The replacement is done with a simple shortcode.
ModuloBox will also be very useful to online shop owners. Creating galleries to represent a particular product will become easier and more pleasant, and your potential customers will be able to fully appreciate the benefits of your products from a full-fledged gallery by ModuloBox.
- Fully Responsive.
- Mobile Friendly.
- Unlimited colors.
- SVG icons.
- Thumbnails support.
- Multi-touch gestures support.
- Physics Based Animations.
- Automatic SlideShow support (with CountDown timer).
- FullScreen support.
- HTML5 Browser History support (deep linking).
- Browser features control (scrollbar, mousewheel, right click prevention).
- Inactive State detection.
- Smart Resizing.
- Smart Loading.
- HTML Caption (title and description).
- Google Fonts integration.
- Keyboard and mouse wheel support (navigate and zoom).
- RTL layout support.
- HTML5 videos (.mp4, .webm, .ogv).
- Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia.
- iFrame (Google Map, PDF reader, websites, etc…).
- HTML content (anything you want like a form for example).
- Autodetect videos and images format.
- Social Sharing (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Blogger, Buffer, Digg, Evernote).
- Multiple Galleries support.
- Compatible with WordPress single image and Gallery Shortcode.
- Compatible with the Jetpack galleries.
- Compatible with the NextGen galleries.
- Compatible with the Envira galleries plugin.
- Compatible with the Woocommerce product galleries (on single product page).
- Compatible with the Visual Composer plugin.
- Compatible with The Grid plugin.
- Compatible with Justified Image Grid plugin.
- Compatible with Essential Grid plugin.
- Compatible with Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE Edge, and IE10.
- Includes a custom justified gallery to replace the native WordPress Gallery Shortcode.
- Import/Export settings.
- Automatic Updates.
- Advanced JavaScript API.
- Developer Friendly.
- Multisite Support.