Yottie — WordPress Gallery for YouTube
Yottie WordPress plugin is designed specialy for those who want to use YouTube videos on WordPress sites or blogs in a maximum performance and best user experience. This plugin provides you with the most flexible, adjustable and customizable video elements you have ever worked with.
Technical features of Yottie plugin include the Visual Composer support, retina ready and mobile responsive design, 16 languages translation and comfortable admin interface. Customization features are: 4 color schemes and more than 60 colors to customize manually, custom headers, three different layouts and much more.
Yottie also allows you to show videos not only in YouTube window, but in popups and directly in your WordPress gallery. You can customize all the elements to be shown (or not shown) in any layout or style, including description, title, channel logo and name, views and likes counters, comments and other video features.
Different channels can be used to combine video content or divide it into some interesting groups for the users of your WordPress site. You can also establish the certain order for videos to be shown to users, making some awesome effects with the stunning video series.
Yottie makes it possible for users to subscribe to your channel directly from your WordPress gallery. Also you can engage your users to watch more videos publishing some of them in popups and making the colorful previews in the gallery for each of your videos.
Yottie supports AdSense advertisments directly in your videos. So you can monetize ant video without any problems in seconds.
Now you can easily build your YouTube gallery on the WordPress site, using a simple visual editor, video grids and responsive breakpoints to maximize the user experience of all visitors of your site or blog.
- Attach your official profile or organize a list of desired videos.
- Show any YouTube feed on your WordPress website.
- Share as many content as you want.
- Add widget for YouTube website translation by using different combinations of channels, playlists and single recordings.
- Just insert URL of the needed source.
- Sort your videotapes with one of 6 available order fields: date, views, likes, dislikes, position, comments.
- Display your YouTube videos in a random order.
- Define how long data from the specified sources will be cached in a browser.
- Divide content into custom groups.
- Unlimited number of sources in each group.
- Name each group yourself.
- Set width of your WordPress YouTube video plugin.
- Yottie is responsive and retina ready on any device.
- Choose the number of columns and rows in the WordPress YouTube video gallery.
- Settle the gutter between each video preview.
- Show or hide the header of your WordPress plugin.
- Customize fully header’s appearance.
- Choose 1 of 3 header layouts in your player: Classic, Accent, Minimal.
- 8 info elements to turn on/off: Logo, Banner, Channel name and description, Recordings counter, Subscribers counter, Views counter, Subscribe button.
- Add custom YouTube channel name.
- Embed custom description about the chosen profile.
- Select custom channel logo by pointing its URL.
- Paste URL of custom header banner.
- 3 navigation controls for easy pagination in WordPress YouTube widget for website: Arrows, Scroll, Drag.
- Turn on/off Free Mode of video gallery scrolling.
- Choose one of 5 available effects of content sliding: slide, fade, coverflow, cube, flip.
- Adjust the animation speed of sliding.
- Set horizontal or vertical direction of scrolling in YouTube embed plugin for WordPress.
- Specify the time of automatic feed scroll by using the auto option.
- Adjust the grid size depending on the window width.
- Our WordPress YouTube channel widget supports 16 languages.
- 3 preview layouts are at your service in YouTube plugin for website: Classic, Cinema, Horizontal.
- 8 info elements to turn on/off: Play icon, Duration, Title, Date, Description, Views counter, Likes counter, Comments counter.
- Choose 1 of 3 ways to watch videotapes: in popup, in the WP widget and directly on YouTube.
- Switch on/off autoplay while opening in popup.
- 12 info elements to turn on/off: Title, Account logo and its name, Subscribe button, Views counter, Likes counter, Dislikes counter, Likes ratio, Date, Description, Description more button, Comments.
- Color Header, Groups, Content and Popup of YouTube channel feed on website as you wish.
- In total Yottie has customizable color of 60 UI elements.
- Don’t want to spend time painting the WP gallery yourself? Use one of our ready-made color Schemes: default, dark, red and deep blue.
- Feel the comfort of using the new admin UI while customizing your plugin for YouTube.
- Use the power of our online builder for editing options, seeing a live preview and receiving a special html shortcode.
- Use Yottie with one of the most popular page-builders for WordPress – Visual Composer. VC Yottie element is available with all customization opportunities.
- YouTube video WordPress widget checks automatically new updates. You will be notified and able to update the plugin in WordPress admin panel if a new version is available.