Bloom — eMail Opt-In Plugin for WordPress
In Opt-In / by Elegant Themes
Bloom eMail opt-in plugin helps to compile a list of subscribers…

Layered Popups for WordPress
Layered Popups is a plugin for creating a wide variety of popup…

Ultimate Affiliate Pro WordPress Plugin
Affiliate marketing is a smart way to build your business. It…

Social Locker — Content Locker for WordPress
If you want to share your content, Social Locker can help. Are…

ConvertPlug — WordPress Popups Plugin
ConvertPlug is a premium WordPress plugin that helps users get…

Jetpack by WordPress.com
In Forms, Free Plugins, Galleries, Membership, Opt-In, Other, Packs, Security, Social, Utilities, Widgets / by Automattic
Jetpack is a free plugin for WordPress. Jetpack makes life…

Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin
Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin is a premium plugin…

Ninja Popups for WordPress
Ninja Popups is a premium WordPress created to help convert…

ARForms — Wordpress Form Builder Plugin
ARForms brings the advanced form building options to Wordpress…