Grace for WordPress — Embed Instagram Feed Gallery on WordPress via official API
Grace Photo Feed Gallery plugin is the most advanced and beautiful tool for Instagram social streaming on the market. The prominent features of this premium WordPress plugin include: 4 different stream layouts, 5 feed types, no streaming limitations and public content streaming opportunity.
The defining feature of Grace Instagram Feed Gallery is the posts approval system. You can pre-moderate any post in your Instagram social wall manually or set the automatic preferences for including and excluding any content by definite word, phrase, user ID, URL and so on. This features makes it simple to promote your personal or corporate brand through Instagram social stream without the fear of inappropriate content.
Grace Instagram Feed Gallery layouts include: masonry, fixed-height grid, justified galleries and image slider. Each of these layouts can perfectly fit to your WordPress website design through the fine-tuning by means of visual editor. No web development or design skills are required to change colors, shapes, margins and paddings, width and height of any element and to set other customizational option for your unique Instagram social wall on WordPress.
Grace Instagram Feed Gallery allows you to use 5 different feed types from your personal or open public Instagram accounts. You can easily stream any open public account by username, various hashtags, like feeds, location by ID and location by geotags. Users can sort the content of your social stream by any of the used feeds. Learn more about Grace and other social media streaming plugins on the Social Stream Apps project.
This plugin provides the seamless API connection. You only need to press one button in the plugin settings (Auth tab) – the simplest public Instagram content connection is delivered!
Grace Instagram Feed Gallery makes it possible to create your unique profile header with user avatar, account info, followers and following data, when streaming your own Instagram feed. This can be your perfect branding tool, connecting the sharing possibilities of Instagram and WordPress in one great action.
Grace plugin includes social share buttons for every post in your stream. This feature allows your users to share content without living your WordPress website. Lightbox galleries also provides users with the possibility of viewing Instagram comments and other post meta right through the social wall.
- 5 Instagram sources — Any public account, hashtags, like feeds, location ID and location coordinates.
- Amazing gallery layouts — Including masonry, fixed-height grid, justified galleries and image slider.
- Seamless API connection — Install plugin, click one button for API connection and you are ready to go.
- Content filtering — Use admin filters to exclude or include posts by word, by username, by URL.
- Posts approval system — this is the best possible feature to protect your brand or service from unwanted posts.
- Lightbox galleries — Fantastic look with attractive animations, smart media preloading, Instagram comments, post meta, sharing tools etc.
- Beautiful profile headings — Run personal account gallery with awesome profile header.
- Social sharing buttons — Let your visitors share posts without leaving your website.
- Highly customizable — Change colors, elements composition and ordering, design gallery layout and so much more!
- Responsive design — 100% responsive with swipes support for sliding on mobile devices.
- Smart resource loading — Script and styles are loaded only when shortcode is detected on page.
- Translation ready — Use tools like Loco Translate to translate plugin.
- Enjoyable interaction — Beautiful animations and hover effects.