Go — Responsive Pricing & Compare WordPress Tables
Comparison tables are the best way to present alternative products to a potential buyer. That is why most niche sites and affiliate sites now day’s use comparison sites within their review article. As thus there are numerous premium plugins that helps a site owner to create beautiful pricing, comparison table on their website. These premium plugins also helps the site owner to sort out their product and services in different columns and make it more presentable.
By comparing the features, Go pricing tops the list as the best pricing table plugin for WordPress. Here are the top 3 features of Go pricing that webmasters love:
Easy to use
So, you like to have beautiful pricing, comparison table on your website, but do not want to go all techy with codes to create one on your site, well Go is the solution for you. Right after installing this plugin you will have a separate menu in your WordPress admin section, using which you will be able to create beautiful WordPress sites with ease.
Go WordPress plugin will also add an extra bar on your MCE from which you will be able to create a table right on your post using short codes. So, if you want to put a table in your post, then all you have to do is to paste the short code and edit the text and images as necessary.
Versatile formats
By using Go pricing 3, you will be able to add various types of content right into your table. The plugin supports both audio and video content. So, now you can provide more options to your readers so that they can choose the best products and services from your site. The latest version also supports the integration of Google maps on your table as well. This plugin is so easy to use and provides so much versatile options, it is being used my more than 24000 websites worldwide.
Clean and simple
By using the Go plugin, you can create iconic and clean pricing table that loads perfectly on Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Now you do not have to worry about your broken pricing table at all.
The plugin also supports a wide range of color gradients and fonts as well. The current version, Go pricing 3 supports more than 1900 font styles including Icomoon, Font awesome, and material icons. Depending on the websites’ width and diameter, you can also change the weight and height of the table rows as well. And the tables made with Go plugin are fully responsive. So, the pricing and comparison table created on your site using this plugin will be visible by both desktop and mobile users.