Calendarize it! — Calendar Plugin for WordPress
The days to have a simple calendar widget on your sidebar is gone. Now days, a site needs more calendar functions. If you are looking to add more event and date based functionality on your site then Calendarize it! WordPress plugin is the solution for you. From adding a beautiful event list view to having a beautiful calendar like content structure to your site, Calendarize it! Can do it all.
Calendarize it! is a powerful plugin that helps a webmaster to build a beautiful event based website. Besides the aligning the contents as calendar posts this plugin also creates options for visitors to create even posts on their own. So by using this plugin you will be able to charge fees from your visitor for posting their events on your website.
Option packed calendar plugin
Calendarize it! is jam packed with all sorts of calendar functionality that one could wish to have on a WordPress site. To start with, you can integrate calendar functionality on both widget section and within your content using the plugin. And all the calendars on your website is responsive and cross browser friendly. So, now your events will have more exposure and more attendees.
Another feature about this plugin is that you can add customized banner to gain more exposure for your event and for the events posted by your visitors. This is like having a pop up advertisement for enlisted events. Plus one can easily add the RSVP to an event from your site to straight to their social media accounts like Facebook and Google calender.
Limitless event editing
Calendarize it! WordPress plugin allows a user to change the event listings, event date, and allows other users to add reviews to a single event. And the best part is that you can do all of them using the plugins front end editing functionality. The visual editor setting of this plugin is so easy, even a newbie can create a stunning event publishing website with ease.
- Easy to use control panel functionality
- Edit content with front end MCE
- Post your events based straight on week, month and day based calendar
- Change the time, date of an event using few single mouse click
- Highlight events with vibrant colors to highlight
- Scroll between content using calendar window
- Add image, video and map to your event with simple tweaks
- Monetize event posting using PayPal and Mastercard
- Community based event posting available for multiple controllers
- Advertise your events using pop up advertisement
- Responsive calendar compatible with all browsers
- 10 built in calendar themes ready to use
- Multilingual support for Spanish, Italian, and French
- Customizable user login screen with user oriented role
- Add rating and review functionality to each event for increased usability
- Allows users to sign up and log in to their account using social media accounts
- Automatically adds RSVP function to each event for ease of use
- Easily add Feature rich widget to your sidebar from the widget menu
- Easily update your event details straight from the calendar menu