Modern Events Calendar – Responsive Event Scheduler & Booking For WordPress
Modern Events Calendar is a plugin for scheduling and booking. The plugin is fully integrated with the WordPress admin panel. Key features of Modern Events Calendar are: a convenient and pleasant design, wide opportunities for setting up and connecting additional functions as well as qualified support for users.
MEC allows you to create not only the usual events, but also constantly repeated and endless tasks. Special event countdown is also available for users. Now you will not miss a scheduled event!
This plugin is compatible with the most important services on Google – Google Calendar and Google Map. Sync with Google account will significantly help you to optimize the work timetables and booking. You will be able to use all the features of Google Calendar and Google Map – assign events, mark them on the map and set reminders.
Modern Events Calendar allows you to create special widget for schedules on your WordPress site. MEC is ready for translation into most languages of the world. Also available for integration with your PayPal account for the comfortable booking.
Modern Events Calendar includes extensive customization capabilities of its design. You can choose the overall design from the rich palette of available colors, and each event can be painted in a different color. In addition, the plugin provides a flexible work with images. You can attach a variety of images to your events.
The plugin cod`s quality has earned many grateful reviews by its users. The range of Modern Events Calendar`s options includes a large amount of prepared shortcodes. You can use them to customize your schedules and expand its capabilities.
The plugin is compatible with other useful extensions for WordPress – Visual Composer for creating content and most of the Cache Plugins. MEC is also compatible with the WordPress multi site system and is SEO optimized.
- Add event image
- Location Maps
- Single day events
- Multiple day events
- You can create events that hold more than 1 day
- Ability to create all day events
- Add to Google Calendar feature
- Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading .ics file
- Advanced event locations system
- Advanced event organizer system
- Ability to insert images for locations and organizers
- Ability to tag events
- Ability to categorizing events in unlimited categories
- Repeating events
- Ability to create daily events
- Ability to create weekly events
- Ability to create monthly events
- Ability to create yearly events
- Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends
- Ability to set custom intervals for events
- Never end events
- Ability to create never end events
- Ability to set a certain date for event finish
- Ability to finish an event after certain repeats
- Event countdown
- Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
- Shortcode creator interface
- Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
- Dynamic event labels
- Advanced RSS feed
- Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
- Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
- Ability to show only featured events
- Smooth Month navigation
- More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
- Ability to export all events from WP backend
- Support comment form in single event page
- Translation Ready
- English and Spanish language support
Display Options
- Font Awesome icons
- Multiple color skins
- Ability to select custom colors
- Monthly/Calendar view
- Weekly view
- Daily View
- List/Grid views
- Map view
- Show events on the Google Maps based on their location
- RTL support
- Custom colors for events
- Ability to create various kind of tickets
- Ability to set a limit on total bookings
- Ability to set a limit for certain tickets
- Ability to create free tickets
- Add custom fields to booking form
- Global Tax/Fee creation system
- Ability to create certain fees for each event
- Coupons and Discount manager
- Ability to disable coupons feature
- Advanced currency options
- Implemented 3 payment methods
- Pay locally
- PayPal Express
- PayPal Credit Card
- Ability to enable/disable payment methods
- Send different notifications to booker/admin
- Booking notification for booker/attendee
- Booking notification for admin
- Booking verification to attendee
- Booking confirmation by admin to attendee
- Ability to automatically verify free and/or paid bookings
- Ability to completely disable booking feature if you don’t want to use it
- CSV export option for bookings
- MS Excel export option for bookings
- WPML ready
- WordPress Multisite ready
- Visual Composer addon
- Cache plugins compatibility
- SEO plugins compatibility
- Completely developer friendly
- Ability to override archive and single pages in a theme
- Ability to override skin files in a theme
- Ability to filter plugin options using WordPress filtering system
- Ability to fire custom functions using WordPress actions API
Bold Features
- Single and Multiple day events
- Advanced Google Maps
- Advanced categorizing and filtering options
- Recurring/Repeating events
- Never end events
- Shortcode Creator
- Visual Composer Addon
- Multiple color skins
- Monthly/Calendar View
- Weekly View
- Daily View
- List/Grid View
- Map View
- RTL support
- Booking
- Advanced Tax/Fee system
- Multiple Tickets system
- Coupons/Discount system
- PayPal Integration
- CSV/MS Excel export
- Multisite Ready
- WPML Ready
- SEO ready
- Developer friendly