EWWW Image Optimizer — Free WordPress Plugin
This EWWW image optimizer is one of the plugin in WordPress that can automatically optimize the images that you have uploaded in your blog. This plugin can be best used in optimizing the images/photos that you have already uploaded, can also convert image automatically into file format and will produce small size images. The EWWW image optimizer can reduce the file sizes of images for WordPress, which includes FIAGallery, GRAND and NextGEN and other lossless methods and format conversion of image.
The use of EWWW Image Optimizer
Great JPG Optimizer
This optimizer is best in optimizing JPG with integration of TinyJPG but it requires API subscription.
Better optimizer of PNG
This can be used on optipng, pngquant and pngout in conjunction.
This plugin is so fast that you don’t have to wait for a third party service to process, receive and return images and can run on your own server. The optimization of even hundreds of images can be done for a few minutes; you can adjust settings if you encounter long process for PNG files.
Faster loading of pages
It has a fast loading of pages, smaller image size means fast page load. This kind of performance of this plugin can make the visitor happy and satisfy.
Faster backups
For smaller image sizes it means that has faster backups
The usage of bandwidth is less
During image optimizing you can save a hundreds of KB per image, which will help you to have a less use of bandwidth.
No Root access needed
It is available for Pre-compiled binaries to install directly to the WordPress folder and the optimization of cloud is provided to those who cannot run locally of the binaries.
It Optimize Everything
Any kind of images can be optimized in WordPress, and the ability of your folder for scanning can be specified with the wp_image_editor class extension.
Features of EWWW Image Optimizer
Image Store
Images uploaded are automatically optimize and can see the status of the optimization, re-optimization and bulk optimization option under the store menu or galleries.
WP Image Editor
All created images under by the built-in WP_Image_Editor class will automatically optimized
Bulk Optimizer
Can optimize all images in Media Library and can scan and optimize for everything.
Instead of web interface, it allow the Bulk Optimization process to run from command line
NextGEN Gallery
The features Optimization on bulk optimizing, re-optimization and upload capability.
NextCellent Gallery
Have the same capability with NextGEN, has the continuation of (1.9.x) Support of NextGEN
Grand Flash Album Gallery
Optimize Upload capability, bulk optimizing and re-optimization. Function of bulk optimize can found near the bottom of FIAGallery menu that will optimize all images.
Everything is optimized
This can be run on hourly basis via wp_cron to help you keep the optimized newly uploaded images.
Skip Previous Optimize Images
All images that has been optimize are installed in the database and the plugin do not attempt to re-optimize. You can also remove individual images using this tool.
All features of Word EWWW Image Optimizer are all free except EWWW Image cloud optimizer.