Ninja Kick: Sliding Panel for WordPress
Ninja Kick Sliding Panel is a WordPress plugin that adds a hidden sidebar with content push, revealing animation on every page of your site. Any content you put in the sidebar will wait for its time to reveal!
You can utilize sliding panel in so many ways: show visitors menu or your social feeds, offer a subscription, display banners, kick in registration form or shop’s basket etc etc etc. Popups are so 2009, guys!
You can trigger panel sliding from any element on page (menu item, link, button, image) adding a special class to it. This plugin uses modern CSS3 transitions with fallback to older JS animations if browser lacks support. Panel layout is responsive to screen size changes, looks well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures. You can look at some examples how to use Ninja Kick Sliding Panel on its Demo page. Kick your site!
This plugin was inspired by customers of the first plugin from the Ninja Kick series — 5-star Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form. And yes, they are compatible.
Main Features
- Multiple tabs.
- Display options — specify pages to show or hide any of your panels.
- Two animation styles.
- Greatly optimized.
- Totally reworked shiny admin panel.
- Own background settings for tabs.
- Flexible adjustments: width and positioning options.
- Font Awesome support.
- Responsive design.
- User-friendly Settings page.
- Panel opening triggers.
Impress your visitors with a push content animation effect and improve user experience showing extra content on the same page.
How you want to implement NKS is limited only by your imagination. You can paste in sliding panel any valid HTML. Use shortcodes to add into the widget area.